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  • Writer's pictureSharon deEdwards MD FACOG

Women Talk

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina affecting most women at least once in their lifetime. It is generally characterized as a mild to maddening itch, and is the reason for 50% of all GYN visits.

You should be aware that dryness or wetness in the vagina, as a consequence of changes in the amount and kind of cervical mucous at different times of the month is normal. The normal acidic environment of the vagina keeps growth of potentially harmful organism in check. However, this balance may be altered by frequent douching, birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, taking antibiotic, foreign objects in the vagina, sexual contact with an infected partner, the wearing of tight slacks or pantyhose, and obesity.

Some of the things that you may notice if you have Vaginitis are: itching and burning, or discomfort during sexual intercourse or urination. Many of us embarrassed by this, delay seeing our Doctor and instead attempt alternate treatment, such as douches and other home remedies. Some of these will give temporary relief, but seldom a cure.

Medical treatment should be sought since the Physician can identify the cause of illness by examining color, appearance, quantity, odor, and changes in the vagina and its secretions. We should not be embarrassed to talk to our Doctor about this. When seeing your Doctor, you should avoid douching 2 to 3 days before the appointment, do not use any vaginal medication such as contraceptive creams or foams 5 to 6 days before the appointment, and do not schedule your appointment while on your period.

As preventative measures, you should exercise regularly, eat properly and get enough rest. You should also wash your genital area daily and ask your sexual partner to do the same, avoid fragrant sprays to the genital area, wipe front to back every time, and follow your Physician's advice.

There are four forms of Vaginitis which I will describe in upcoming Blogs.

#vaginal infections

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